4 Lay off Tips that make the difference
Practical lay off tips will help you put together a strategy for coping
with life after a layoff and moving on to the next stage in your career.

1. Deal with the emotional fallout
is key to moving on confidently and with energy.
- The most common
emotions following a lay off are fear and anger. Acknowledge your anger
and your anxiety and then deal with them.
- A good way of getting them out of your system is to write down how you
are feeling. Write a letter to your company detailing how you feel about
them, then burn or shred it.
- Share your feelings with people who have been through a similar
situation. - Then focus on positive things. List all the positive things
you can offer a future employer. - List what you have learned from the lay
off experiences that can benefit you. - Engage in stress-reducing activities like walking or jogging.
- Take advantage of any counseling resources the company may offer.

2. Assess your financial situation
you getting a severance package?
- If you have not been offered a
severance package, or if it is minimal, assess whether you have
something to offer your employer in exchange for severance payments and
the temporary extension of benefits such as health insurance. - Consider signing a severance agreement or non-compete agreement in exchange for a severance package.
- Other lay off tips include finding out about unemployment benefits including claim unemployment benefit. The sooner you claim the sooner you can collect.
Ensure your 3. Take stock of your career
this time to reflect on your career and re-evaluate your career goals.
- Look back over your working life. List what you have done and achieved
so far and what you have enjoyed most about your career to date. Find
answers to questions such as:
- what motivates me?
- what are my strengths?
- what are my biggest career accomplishments?
- what is meaningful to me?
- what are my priorities
- This is a time to do some self-assessment and make decisions about
moving into something new and better, something in line with your values
and motivations. - Rewrite your career goals and start developing a plan to reach them. Update 4. Develop a plan of action
Important lay off tips focus on setting a regular schedule for networking and job search.
- Set aside time slots for different activities such as scanning jobs
online and in the papers, calling prospective employers to get contact
names, writing cover letters, sending out your resume, developing a
presentation and attending networking events. - It is important to keep busy and to get out of the house. The library is a good source of job search information, attend relevant trade shows or seminars, or drop by a company to deliver your resume personally.
- Volunteer work is an excellent way to network, keep busy and enhance your resume.
- Review your progress and plan regularly. Evaluate the results and revise your strategies and plan where needed.
Your 5 Step Action Plan
All about layoffs
Know Your Lay Off Rights
How to Survive a Layoff
Explain a Layoff in an Interview
Use the lay off tips and techniques to help you to recover from a lay off and to stay focused and competitive during your Surviving Layoffs > Lay Off Tips
- Set aside time slots for different activities such as scanning jobs
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