20 Top Behavioral Interview Answers
Great behavioral interview answers to typical behavioral based job interview questions.
You will find sample interview behavioral questions and answers for all the core behaviors explored in job interviews. Select those competencies or behaviors that apply to the specific job opportunity from our behavioral interview question database.

Know how to confidently handle these type of questions. You can adapt
these sample behavioral answers to your own circumstances and impress
with a well-considered interview response.
Preparing For Behavioral Interviews
The majority of
candidates do not know how to answer behavioral interview questions
properly. They simply do not provide interviewers with the
information they are looking for.
Set yourself apart from the
competition by preparing behavioral interview answers to those questions
that explore the competencies or behaviors required for successful
performance in the job you are interviewing for.
Use the behavioral interview tips to find out which behaviors or competencies are likely to be explored in interviews for different jobs.
Behavioral Interview Answers for Key Behaviors
Persuasiveness and Influence
A core behavior required for successful performance in a number of jobs is persuasiveness.
Give me proof of your persuasiveness.
Tell me about a time you persuaded others to accept your idea.
Describe a situation when you were able to successfully influence another person.
Behavioral interview answers to questions that explore your ability to persuade and influence others should highlight how you select the right style of communication and interaction for the situation and individual you are dealing with.
Your behavioral example should show:
- how you identify the individual or group's needs
- how you persuade them you can satisfy these needs with your product, service, approach or idea
Your answer should close with proof of how you gained commitment to the action you persuaded them to take.
Recognized persuasive/influence tactics to focus on in your behavioral example include:
- active listening
- focusing on the positive
- establishing common ground
- modeling the behavior you want
- demonstrating expertise and credibility
- communicating in a calm but assertive manner
- handling objections
- getting final commitment in writing or in public.
Good examples of persuasiveness and influence in the workplace include:
- getting people to accept change
- getting a project approved
- making a difficult sale
- getting an idea or recommendation accepted
- changing an individual's behavior or actions
- convincing someone to see things your way
- reaching agreement
- negotiating a solution to a problem
- obtaining resources (budget, skills) to help you perform
- resolving disputes
- motivating a team or individual towards goal achievement
- negotiating a change to conditions of employment such as salary or working hours
- getting a change to your job description approved
Prepare behavioral interview answers for questions that explore your creativity.
is not only about art or music, it is about coming up with new ideas,
approaching situations differently and finding novel solutions to
Employers increasingly seek people who are able to generate ideas and
come up with new approaches that create value for the company.
Creativity in products, services, procedures and processes is key to
organizational success and competitiveness.
Tell me about a time you used your creativity to overcome an obstacle.
Give me an example of your resourcefulness.
Tell me about a time you tried a new way of doing something.
manifests itself in the workplace in a number of different ways.
Demonstrate your own creativity by using one of these creativity examples relevant to your experience:
- generating fresh solutions to work problems
- finding and suggesting new ways of doing things
- applying existing knowledge and information in novel ways
- finding resources to meet a need
- using existing resources (people, skills, technology) in a new way
- coming up with an original idea
- trying a different approach to a traditional way of working or thinking
- making connections between seemingly unrelated issues and activities
- integrating knowledge and information across job tasks
- improving
a product/service/process by making gradual changes and refinements
(creativity is not usually a single stroke of brilliance!)
Creative people display recognized creative behaviors. In your behavioral interview answers highlight how you:
- welcome challenges
- persevere - creativity is hard work and takes time and energy
- are optimistic and positive
- view problems as opportunities
- understand that failure is part of growth
- are fundamentally curious and have a questioning mind
- have knowledge and expertise that can be applied in the situation
- are willing to try something new
- possess a flexibility of outlook
The ability to effectively analyze information is essential to problem-solving and improvements in the workplace.
Analytical Skills
Expect behavioral interview questions that explore your analytical skills.
Tell me about a recent problem you uncovered in your job.
Describe a situation where you were required to analyze information in order to identify a need.
Give me an example of when you discovered a more efficient way to perform your job.
These key actions of analysis should be highlighted in your behavioral interview answers:
- gathering all relevant information
- organizing information
- comparing information from different sources
- identifying underlying issues or problems
- recognizing patterns and trends
- identifying cause and effect relationships
- defining the desired outcome
Demonstrate your competence by using one of these analytical examples relevant to your own experience:
- finding the cause of a problem
- gathering and organizing information in order to make a decision
- preparing for a project or assignment
- drawing up a proposal
- developing a budget
- streamlining a work process
- determining training and development needs
- developing a strategy
- giving feedback
this job interview site you will find behavioral interview questions
and answers for all the core behaviors or competencies.
Click on the
behavioral questions and interview answers you are looking for. Make
sure they are relevant to the job you are interviewing for by going to Job Related Behaviors
Behavioral Interview Question Database
View sample behavioral interview questions and answers that explore:
Work Standards
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