7 Top Panel Interview Tips for Success

Panel interview tips and techniques that help you stand out as the best job candidate.

Panel interviews can feel like an inquisition! The key to making the
right impression is to remain calm and focused, to try and develop an
element of rapport with each interviewer and to be well prepared for the
questions you are likely to be asked.

Top Panel Interview Tips

Use these tips and techniques to ace the panel interview.

1. How to introduce yourself in a panel interview

It is a challenge to build rapport with each panel member during the interview process so your introductions are key to creating the right first impression. The way you meet your panel will impact on the rest of the interview.

  • When you enter the panel interview take a little time to engage with each interviewer.

  • As you are introduced make eye contact with each panel member, shake
    hands firmly and greet them using their names.
  • Pause with each handshake
    and try not to rush through it, it gives the impression of nervousness.

This is a good opportunity to connect with each panel member on a personal level before the interview questions begin.

2. Be ready to take notes

When you sit down in your panel interview, take out your pen and paper and ask if they mind if you make some notes during the interview.

  • First, note down their names as they are seated, if you don't already have this information written down.
  • You will use their names when you respond to their questions, this demonstrates good communication skills, so it is important to know who is who!

3. Be ready for the questions asked in a panel interview

When preparing your answers to your
background research beforehand.

Make sure you know who will be on the
panel and what their function is in the organization. Use these interview body language

  • Stay calm and answer each question thoroughly.
  • Use the name of the
    panel member who asked the question when you start and finish your
    answer, while your focus is on that individual.

Use these interview tips
and techniques to control interview anxiety

good strategy when answering panel interview questions is to cross
reference a question with one that has already been asked by a different
member. For example:

"To expand on my answer to Frank, my experience in customer service also includes ....."

way you are reinforcing the positives you have already discussed and
are addressing the concerns of two panel members at once.

Panel members are likely to take notes during your interview answer,
don't be intimidated by this. Use it as a reminder that you need to
speak clearly and concisely. Establish the list of prepared questions to ask during your interview.

should be questions that you can address to different members of the
panel relevant to their different organizational roles. Knowing about
the panel members beforehand helps facilitate this.

You can also use your questions to ask in your interview to help you with this.

6. Close the panel interview successfully

At the end of the job interview ask the question, "Is there any other information you would like?" Let your eyes go from one panel member to the next as you wait for their response.

Two of the most important panel interview tips are:

  • Shake hands and thank each
    interviewer personally at the end of the interview, again using each
    person's name.
  • Get each person's business card so that you can properly
    address a thank you letter to each panel member.

Find excellent advice on 7. Send a thank you letter

panel interview tips include sending a thank you note within 24 hours
of your interview. Follow up on your interview with a personalized thank
you to each panel member.

Refer to each person's area of interest and
customize your comments to make them relevant to that person's
particular role. Adapt the sample interview thank you letter for your own use.

Find out exactly how a panel interview works. The panel interview guide tells you what to expect from this type of interview.

Make the right impression from the word go

Your panel job interview starts from the moment you arrive at the company. Make the right impression with these job interview tips.

Waiting for a panel interview.

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Panel interviews are often used as a second interview. Be prepared for these frequently asked Panel Interview > Panel Interview Tips and Techniques

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