Behavioral Project Manager Interview Questions and Answers

Project manager interview questions that explore the most important behaviors a project manager should demonstrate in order to be effective in the project management job.

In addition to the project management interview questions that assess

your technical skills and experience you will be asked behavioral interview
questions that explore your:

  • team
    management skills
  • communication and interpersonal skills
  • negotiation
  • change management and adaptability

The  project manager behavioral interview answer help will guide you in preparing your own convincing responses.

5 Essential Project Manager Behavioral Interview Questions

The focus is on behavioral-based interview questions as they are used more and more in assessing suitability for a project manager role.  Understand 2. Describe a time when your communication skills helped in dealing with difficult clients or team members.

After leadership, the ability to communicate effectively with people at all levels is regarded as the second most important project manager skill.

  • Good project management requires clear communication about objectives, roles, responsibilities, performance, expectations and feedback.
  • The project manager should be able to effectively influence and persuade clients and the team to ensure success.
  • Explicit guidelines and expectations should be communicated to accomplish results.

When answering this situational interview question it is important to show how you are able to adapt your style of communication to the person you are dealing with. Empathy, understanding and self-awareness all play a role in doing this.

The ability to communicate with different individuals on various levels with diverse project interests is important for successful project management. Every project team and every project is different, you must be able to adjust your style to their needs.

Part of effective communication is the ability to be enthusiastic about the shared goals and vision. Enthusiastic project managers are committed to their goals and express this through optimistic and confident communication.

Be aware of your communication style during the interview including your body language and other non-verbal signals. Use the 3. Give an example of a win-win situation you negotiated.

In all projects there are a number of stakeholders who see their concerns and issues as the most important.

project management means responding by finding the best solutions that
address the issues without compromising the other stakeholders or the
overall project.

In your answer show how you are able to communicate essential
information and workable alternatives in a way that gains acceptance.

ability to understand the position of the other person and to focus on
solutions rather than problems is key to effective negotiation on a

4. What was the most stressful aspect of your last project and how did you deal with it?

ability to cope under pressure is often explored in behavioral project manager
interview questions. Very few projects stay on schedule, under budget
and with no major problems. Expect project manager interview questions
that explore how you manage stress.

  • The ability to remain focused
    and effective in stressful situations is key to successful project
  • Limited resources and time, changing demands and new
    circumstances all result in pressure on the project manager.

how you are able to stay calm under pressure. Discuss the resources and
strategies you use to reduce stress focusing on aspects such as:

  • your
    people management
  • technology management
  • risk management
  • expectation management

5. Tell me about a situation during a recent project when you had to adapt and manage change.

that you can adjust effectively to meet changing demands and tasks. An
effective project manager can quickly assess a new situation and adapt
to it. The change management process is critical to the success of a

  • Each
    change needs to be properly defined, considered and approved before it
    is implemented.
  • Focus on developing a plan for change that addresses
    change on both a process level and on a people level.
  • Careful
    and well thought-out preparation of the stakeholders for change and the
    ability to overcome resistance are key to successful change management.

Your interview answer should emphasize your ability to plan properly and
thoroughly for change.

thoroughly for project manager interview questions that explore these
essential competencies and show yourself to be a smart and effective job
How to answer behavioral and situational interview questions is explained thoroughly in the answers to behavioral interview questions

Typical Project Manager Interview Questions


Project Manager Skills-Based Interview Questions


Project Manager Technical Interview Questions


All Project Manager Interview Questions and Answers

Review Prepare
for the frequently asked interview questions that explore the skills
and abilities required in a project management position at project management job interview guide

The Role and Responsibilities of a Project Manager

order to answer scenario-based and standard project manager interview questions effectively it is
essential to have a thorough understanding of the role of a project
manager. These resources will help you:


Project Manager Job Description


Project Manager Duties and Skills


Core Management Skills

Management Interview Questions and Answers

Project Management > Competency Questions

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