Definition of Leadership

There is much discussion on the definition of leadership and there are many
different definitions and descriptions one can refer to. In fact the debate around defining leadership and leadership traits seems endless.

However most people agree that
leadership involves an influence process, so here we use a broad
definition that encompasses many of the current approaches to the
concept of leadership.

The general definition of leadership is:

"Leadership is the ability to influence a group towards the achievement of

The Definition of Leadership Styles

Leadership is not a "one size fits all" approach but a matter of
adapting your approach to best fit a specific situation, follower or group.

Although an individual will have a basic leadership style a
good understanding of the common styles of leadership allows the development of the
style of leadership that effectively fits the circumstances.

The major types of leadership style include:

Authoritarian or Authoritative Leadership Style

  • tells followers what to do and how to do it without
    input from others
  • keeps close control over followers

This can be
appropriate if the followers are inexperienced and lack confidence (new
employees) and when explicit instructions and quick decisions are required
such as in times of crisis or where time is critical.

Participative or Democratic Leadership Style

  • includes followers in the decision-making process but
    makes the final call
  • encourages discussion and debate

It is effective when
followers are skilled and confident, willing to share knowledge and there is
sufficient time for a democratic process to take place.

Delegative Leadership Style

  • allows the follower to make the decision but maintains
    responsibility for the decisions made
  • delegates tasks to followers and
    provides direction or support only when asked

This style is appropriate
when followers are highly skilled, experienced, secure and motivated and
have proven to be reliable and trustworthy.

What is the Best Leadership Style?

The most effective leadership style is the one that is most appropriate for the situation and followers. For example:

  • Authoritative leadership style is effective in urgent situations where results need to be quickly accomplished, speed and efficiency is critical and the team lacks experience and knowledge.
  • Participative or democratic leadership style is effective when the team is more confident and experienced and the objective is to develop loyalty and commitment and boost productivity, creativity and innovation.
  • Delegative leadership style works well when the team is highly skilled and motivated and is often appropriate for small teams who are confident that they can achieve results independently.

What is Transactional Leadership?

Transactional leaders guide their followers towards established goals by
clarifying role and task requirements and providing structure. Motivation is
provided through a system of reward and punishment.

What is Transformational Leadership?

These leaders pay close attention to the concerns and needs of individual
followers. They motivate and encourage followers to make the extra effort to
achieve group goals by inspiring passion and commitment.

Leadership Definition - What makes a Good Leader? 

The answer to this question lies in the identification of the most important leadership skills, characteristics and traits.

Effective leadership traits

Research has attempted to identify traits that are consistently associated
with leadership. Eight traits that appear to differentiate leaders from non leaders are:

  • ambition
  • energy
  • the desire to lead
  • self-confidence
  • intelligence
  • honesty
  • integrity
  • job-relevant knowledge

However it has proved difficult to conclusively establish the traits that
characterize leaders. Instead leadership research has sought to identify the
behavioral styles that leaders exhibit.

Leadership behaviors

The primary behaviors identified are:

  • initiating structure
    through organizing work tasks, work relationships, work
    standards and work goals
  • demonstrating consideration by showing
    concern for followers' well-being and satisfaction, developing mutual trust and
    respecting subordinates

What are your Leadership versus management

Not all leaders are managers and not all managers are leaders. The
definition of leadership differs from the definition of management.

managers are given formal authority by an organization does not mean
that a
manager is able to lead effectively. These are some of the main
differences that
researchers have found between managers and leaders:

  • managers take an impersonal attitude towards goal achievement, leaders take a
    personal attitude towards goals
  • managers interact with people according to the role the person plays in an
    activity or process, leaders interact with people on a more intuitive level

  • management
    is about establishing direction through order and formal processes,
    leadership establishes direction through the development of a vision and

    inspiring the group towards the vision

"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things" -
Peter Drucker

What Makes a Good Manager?

Examples of Leadership Skills

What is the concept of leadership?

Leadership is a much debated concept but the definition of leadership generally includes the keywords:

  • influence
  • vision
  • inspire
  • achieve

Quotes about Leadership

Leadership in 2020

These 3 skills will be required of all leaders in 2020.

Self awareness and insight - the leaders of today need to know their own strengths and weaknesses and have clear insight into how they are perceived by their followers. The move to a more open and honest workplace in 2020 starts with a leader displaying self awareness.

Able to adapt quickly and effectively to change - adaptability has never been more important for leadership. Work is constantly evolving and becoming more complex. A leader has to be able to develop a culture of agility and flexibility in the workplace.

Be a servant leader - leaders should display a service-based approach clearly displaying an understanding of and a focus on the needs of their followers. The emphasis will be on developing their followers and facilitating the optimization of their potential. Empowerment, engagement and growth are key needs of the workforce of 2020.

Leadership Interview Questions and Answers


Leadership Interview Questions


Manager Interview Questions


What Makes a Good Manager?

A basic understanding of the definition of leadership will help you to answer these typical Leadership Interview > Definition of Leadership

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