Find the Job Interview Info you Want
The most important job interview info you need to know is this:
"Failure to prepare is preparing to fail"
When you walk into the job interview the better prepared you are the better your chances of success.
- Do you know enough about the job and the company?
- Do you have convincing interview answers ready that clearly show your
understanding of the job and organization? - Have you prepared some good
questions to ask using your background research?
Follow these simple strategies to be ready for your job interview.
Research the company and job opportunity beforehand and show the
interviewer how your skills and abilities specifically meet both the job
requirements and the company needs. Start by searching online for company information.
What job interview information do you need?
- Brief company history such as when it was established, shareholders, expansion, mergers
- Basic facts such as size, organizational structure, other locations, subsidiaries, holding company, key people
- Type of products and services it offers, who are the main competitors in this industry
- Who are the customers and target market, market share it currently holds, suppliers
- Company culture including mission, vision, values, policies
- Latest news such as acquisitions, expansion, new products, management changes, redundancies, challenges
Full list of Visit the company's website
Go online to the company's website. Scroll through all the information, make notes of details you want to remember.
Company websites usually feature comprehensive information on the organization. Read it all, even media releases and staff biographies, as you never know which "click" is going to yield valuable information that will help you ace the interview!
Look at the particular department and staff who work there. Search for
information about the interviewer.
If you are being sent to a company
interview by a recruiter, ask them to give you details about the
interviewer and any other job interview info you need.
Carefully review competitor websites to get details on what else is happening in the particular industry or sector.
Excellent sources of company information
For up-to-date info on a specific company you can set up a Google News Alert to send you news as soon as it becomes available. company specific message boards are a good source of information. You can use these to research a specific job and employer. Corporate message boards also give the opinions of current and former employees and provide an interesting perspective on the company, although it is wise to check for themes running through a number of postings rather than taking just one posting at face value.
Social networking sites can be used to connect with current employees and find relevant company information.
At company information. Utilize all these different means of researching the company to accumulate as much job interview info as possible.
Plan how you can use this information to demonstrate your suitability for the position. Use the guidelines at interview checklist clearly shows you how to prepare for your job interview.
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Interview Preparation > Research the Company
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