Finding Jobs Online - 7 steps to find a job fast online
Original article "Finding Jobs Online" by the authors of
Summary: An online job search can be both frustrating and very time-consuming. This article outlines valuable search tips and techniques to make your job search a lot more productive.

simple but effective ways to make your job search online more efficient
and accurate. Know the best job search sites and get ready for success.
How can I find a job fast online?
1. Use the right keywords in your job search
We all know the value of using the correct keywords when doing an online
search. Be very specific about the position you are searching for.
Use the full job title, the job itself and even some of the job tasks. For example, if you are looking for a marketing position you can type in "Marketing Agent, Marketing, Sales, Customer Relationships"
2. Use quotes
Using quote marks allows you to search for an exact phrase. If you type in marketing jobs in Philadelphia you will get all pages that include both the word marketing jobs and Philadelphia. If you type in "Marketing jobs in Philadelphia" you will only get results with that exact phrase on the page.
3. Type in the exact location of where you are looking
When finding jobs online be specific about the area you are looking in. You can use a zip code in your search terms to get the best results.
4. Check your online resume
Make sure your resume is complete, current and contains the Resume Samples
5. Type the heading "Resume" on the resume you post online
Many recruiters search online using the keyword "resume".Make sure at the top of your resume you have "Resume of (your name)" on a separate line. Your file name should include keywords and your name to both identify and market you.
For example: "Call-center-agent-JSmith-resume.html"
6. Include a cover letter where indicated
cover letter is a convincing summary of why you are the right candidate
for the job and is the best way of making sure your resume gets read.
Use these online resources to find out about the company.
Finding Jobs Online
Latest Update - Top 11 Job Search Sites
- Careerbuilder - provides job postings, resume posting, career advice and job search resources.
- - millions of job listings from a huge number of websites.
- - leading job site for tech job seekers.
- LinkedIn - a network of professionals where you can search jobs and look at jobs that may interest you.
- Google for Jobs - a job search engine that compiles job postings from a number of different sources.
- - excellent information on internships and volunteer jobs.
- LinkUp - good for unadvertised jobs as it only posts current job openings from company websites.
- - a large amount of job seeker information and resources.
- the leading online job board for college students looking for
internships and recent graduates looking for entry-level positions. - - an index of plus 8 million job listings from across the web.
- - a jobs and career community that provides an insider's view on jobs and companies.
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