Plan your Salary Negotiating
Successful salary negotiating means developing a practical negotiation strategy before you start your negotiations.

Key to a winning negotiation strategy is determining a realistic salary
range to negotiate within. Use the salary requirements calculator below
to work out how much you need to earn to support you current lifestyle
and meet your expenses.
For each expense work out the amount of money you need and the amount of money you want.
Once you have your totals multiply them by 2 to include social security, state and federal income taxes and any unanticipated expenses. You can be more accurate by working out what your actual tax will be in that salary range.
Not all of your expenses are monthly. Property taxes, insurance premiums, and holidays come once or twice a year but don't forget to include these occasional costs.
This calculation will determine what your minimum salary range must be
to support your lifestyle. While it is essential that you know what this
amount is before you start negotiating salary it is not advisable to
bring up your personal monetary needs during the negotiation.
figure is a foundation for your own salary decisions.
You have now worked out your required salary range. Next in preparing for negotiations is to evaluate the your market value and company value to set rational expectations before you start your negotiation process.
Salary Negotiating Pages
Your Guide to Successfully Negotiating Salary
Top Job Offer Negotiation Tips & Techniques
Your Strategy for Negotiating a Job Offer
Salary Negotiations
Salary negotiating - how to write a negotiate salary email or letter
Use this sample negotiation letter or email to negotiate your job offer. Most job offers an be negotiated - it is how you do it that matters. A well written and well considered negotiation letter is a good place to start.
How to write a winning job offer Negotiating Salary > Salary Negotiating - Expenses Calculator
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