Technical Accounting Interview Questions and Answers
Accounting interview questions will vary depending on the employer,
the level of the accounting position, the requirements of the
accountancy job and your career history.

You will get a mix of general job interview questions, including questions about technical and current accounting issues, your accountancy skills and experience and behavioral interview questions that explore your accounting job competencies.
Use the interview answer help to prepare your own excellent responses to these typical accounting interview questions.
5 Technical Accounting Interview Questions
Typical accounting interview questions that explore your general technical accounting skills and knowledge include:
1. Which accounting applications are you familiar with?
Discuss the applications you have worked with. Focus on how you
implemented the application, the steps taken during the conversion and
integration of the accounting system and the training of staff to use
the application.
Highlight your familiarity with the application by discussing what specifically you used it for.
2. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the different accounting packages you have used.
on how the packages supported and simplified company specific
processes, and how they met your exact business requirements. Display
your knowledge of how the packages differ in areas such as price,
complexity and functionality.
3. Give me examples of the accounting reports you have prepared.
your experience in maintaining accounting principles, practices and
procedures to ensure accurate and timely financial statements and
Discuss your ability to meet tight deadlines and undertake a
multitude of accounting activities. Show your understanding of generally
accepted and statutory accounting principles.
4. Describe any accounting process that you have developed or revised.
how you have monitored and analyzed work processes to develop more
efficient procedures and use of resources while still maintaining
accurate and quality work outputs.
5. How do you evaluate the reliability of the financial data you obtain?
Focus on your commitment to excellent performance standards including your attention to detail and the quality control measures you use. Discuss any processes you personally have put in place to ensure the accuracy of the financial information your receive.
List of common technical and task-driven accounting interview questions
What do you consider to be the biggest challenge facing the accounting profession today?
What cost-cutting measures have you been responsible for implementing?
How much money have you saved the company and how did you do this?
What aspects of hands-on accounting did you participate in?
Give examples of internal control procedures that you have developed and maintained.
What was your interface with the budget process?
Discuss your experience in financial analysis of company/ad hoc projects.Tell us about the financial forecasting you have been responsible for.
What role did you play in the audit process?
What processes did you use to evaluate financial risk?
Which management reports have you prepared?
Which enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems have you used?
Discuss your experience in tax planning and preparation.
list of strengths to answer this accounting interview question.
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