Telephone Reference Check
Standard telephone reference check questions. Up to 35 percent of all job candidates exaggerate or falsify their qualifications and work experience.
Using this previous employment background check as part of the initial screening process provides protection against wasting time on unsuitable applicants.

Practical and easy-to-use, this basic reference check will provide
valid information to help you with your hiring decision. It can be used
to clarify the candidate's actual work
experience and whether he or she is able to perform the job.
Basic Telephone Reference Check Form
Candidate name:
Position Applying For:
Name of Reference:
Job Title:
Contact Number:
- What was the applicant's job title?
- Period of employment?
- Reason for leaving?
- Main duties and responsibilities?
- Overall rating of work performance?
- Applicant's strengths and weaknesses?
- Describe applicant's honesty and reliability
- Describe applicant's working relationships with supervisors and co-workers
- Hypothetically, would you re-employ the applicant?
- Is there anything else you would like to add about this
Reference done by:
For a more detailed reference check form...
This is a basic reference check that can be used as an initial
screening tool to assess a candidate's suitability. You may want to
carry out a more comprehensive and detailed telephone reference check
employment check includes over 30 reference check questions to choose
from, these provide a more intensive screening of the job candidate.
Once you have conducted an initial screening and want more information
on the job candidate it is advisable to do a thorough reference check
that evaluates the candidate's behavioral Standard Reference Check Questions
What duties, responsibilities and skills should be checked?
Over 70 detailed Job Skills List
Find out about other employment checks
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Credit Checks
Drug Testing
Job interviews
Do you need some help with deciding on the right job interview questions to ask? These job interview guides for over 35 different positions provide useful sample interview questions
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