Typical Teacher Job Interview Questions

Teacher job interview questions will explore your personal motivation, your strengths and weaknesses as a teacher and whether you demonstrate the right personal qualities for teaching.

Find out how to develop your own excellent
answers to these frequently asked teaching interview questions.

  • motivation
    is key to successful performance as a teacher - expect  questions
    that evaluate your motivation and enthusiasm for the job.
  • what do you consider to be your strengths as a teacher and your areas for improvement?
  • your goals as a
    teaching professional will also be explored.

8 Essential Teacher Job Interview Questions

Use the interview answer guidelines to formulate your own job-winning answers.

1. Tell me about a teacher who has inspired you and what did you learn from him or her?

Teacher job interview questions like this are designed to explore your values and motivation.

  • Be prepared to provide examples of how their behavior and teachings have helped inspire your style of teaching.
  • How have you tried to put what you learned from him or her into practice in your classroom? 

Prepare an answer which highlights qualities that would be valuable in the teaching position you are interviewing for.

2. How do you evaluate the success of your teaching?

No teacher is perfect and everyone has room for improvement. Evaluation is the means by which we try to identify which aspects of our teaching are good and which need to be changed. Provide specific methods of self assessment that you use.

An example is keeping a journal in which you reflect on your lessons and highlight positives and negatives. This helps you to build on your successes and improve where necessary. Formal student feedback sessions, test results and outside observers are other methods.

Be aware of your strengths and areas for improvement as a teacher. Refer to this 5. What do you consider to be the biggest challenges facing the teaching profession?

This question explores whether you keep current on educational issues and policies and your ability to look at the big picture.

Refer to policies such as the inclusion of students with special needs
into general education classrooms now considered as appropriate

Other current issues facing educators include:

  • providing an equitable
    education to all students as public schools become increasingly diverse
  • raising levels of education in thinking and basic skills

how you personally are attempting to meet these challenges.

Expect interview questions that explore the personal attributes you have that make you a good educator.

6. What do you feel about team teaching?

teaching interview question is asked to discover whether you are
flexible and your attitude to team work. Focus on the positive aspects
of team teaching such as:

  • its value in teaching large student groups
  • the facilitation of collaboration and sharing of ideas

Refer to positive team teaching experiences you have had. If you have no actual team teaching experience you can discuss any
team or group work you have been involved in and the positive results
that transpired.

Show that you have done some reading on the subject and
have an understanding of the concept.

7. What are your greatest strengths as a teacher?

your strengths to what this position is looking for in a teacher.
Highlight your value to the school district. Use your background
research to align your strengths with what they need in a teacher.

up your answer with specific examples such as lesson planning and
organization, student motivation or technology integration. Go to 8. What do you consider to be your weaknesses?

on a weakness indicates that you have the self awareness and insight to
recognize an area for improvement. Discuss the steps you have taken to

Think about the way you present the weakness. Rather than say "I have difficulty prioritizing" say something like:

plan so many activities that I want to get through with my class that I
am having to learn to evaluate which will be the most valuable for the
students and stick to those."

Get more help with this teacher job interview question at interview questions weaknesses

Prepare for these teacher interview questions...

View teacher job interview questions
that explore other areas of competence. Use the answer guidelines to
formulate your own convincing answers that set you apart from the other
teaching job candidates.


How do you manage classroom discipline


Describe your teaching style


Why do you want to work for our school

Expect behavioral interview questions for teachers.
Be ready to handle competency-based interview questions that explore
the desired behaviors for successful performance in a teaching job.

Are you preparing for an elementary teacher interview? Go through these interview questions specific to teaching the elementary grades.

Good questions to ask in your teacher interview

Use the list of sample interview questions to ask to have some excellent questions ready to ask the interviewer.

Your complete guide to teacher interview success


Teacher Interview Guide


Behavioral Teacher Interview Questions


Teacher Interview Tips and Techniques

Teacher resumes and cover letters

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